Purchasing a product on sale is generally a good idea for those seeking to save money, but a product that expires before being used is nothing more than a waste. For savvy consumers, knowing the amount of time before a product expires can help them make a good decision on how much to purchase. It might not be widely known, but there is a time limit on how long e-juice lasts, so read on to figure out how much you should buy when a good sale is offered.
What Affects It?
Bright sunlight and high or low temperatures are all environment elements that can affect e-juices. The components of the product will degrade when subjected to direct sunlight due to excessive heating. While few people keep their storage areas over or under heated, even a few degrees outside normal temperatures can make the product lose some of its more intense flavors before the use by date has been reached. Make sure you are aware of the temperature and light constraints before deciding to make a big purchase. It might be a great sale but tossing a product because it has gone bad is not worth it.
In Perfect Conditions
Many products must be stored correctly to reach their use date without loss, and e-juice in Upper Darby is no exception. In perfect conditions, e-juice can last up to two years. It should not be left where bright sunlight can fall on it, and the temperature should be relatively controlled to stay between sixty-five and seventy-two degrees. This is slightly less than normal room temperature, so find a cooler, darker area where the product can be kept until use. Bright sunlight will heat the product far above the recommended levels, and the flavor components could be lost or damaged. Room temperature or a bit below will keep the mixture from degrading before its time is up, and it should preserve all the included elements.
Storage Containers
While they often come in plastic containers, those purchasing this product for later use should consider other options. Dark glass bottles are often recommended by manufacturers for longer term storage, so consider purchasing some when buying more juice than will be consumed within the next few weeks. The tint on the glass keeps too much light from getting to the product, and there will be no concern the glass will break down over time and create any unwanted contamination or even just bad tastes.
The three main components of e-juice all have a shelf life of two years but storing them correctly is the overriding factor. If you are unable to transfer the product to dark glass bottles, store it without sunlight access, or do not have the ability to keep the temperature stable over time, it might be best to buy limited quantities.